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Brief: Customer wanted an OTA Website that was CMS and with Admin area for staff and Admin Extranet for Hoteliers, Countries and regions could be added in seconds and that the site be expandable, integrated Booking system and full time SEO
Solution: Built from scratch the Travel Partners website was a challenge, although design was done in 2 days the building of the site was 3 months and is ongoing with the customers requests and the growth of the site. The site accommodates listings from Hotels, Resorts and Villas throughout Aisa with Bali being the main area of service. The site offers customers affordable priced accommodation through varios regions, cities and countries and various degrees of accommodation from bugdte to luxurious. Whilst the site was being built we started the SEO at the same time, the site in its first month attracted over 4 Million views and has since stayed around 8 million per month.
Travel Partners Australia and Bali Accommodation Online
MySQL, Customised CMS and Javascript, html5 and css3, online dashboard and extranet for Hotels. Transitional Slides, Advertising Banners, Online bookings, Calendar Bookings, SSL certificate with Trustwave, Admin updates for Country, Regions, Newsletters and two Login areas, Website App and Animated Favicons
Customer Comments
Brilliant Jeff, our first month visits to the site was over 4 million. A big congratulations to you and your team for all your work and lost sleep.